The Mm Blog is Back!
Fancy seeing you here! Welcome to the new Mm blog, here on the freshly made-over Come on in! Put your feet up. Make yourself at home.
With our development roadmap for Dreams now complete, more and more Molecules back in the office, and a new era of Media Molecule on the horizon, we figured it’s time to start talking more about the fun things happening around the studio these days.

Hopefully you’ve been enjoying reading our Molecule Profiles - interviews with the fabulous people who make up our studio - over on The Impsider on As they’re studio-related articles, we’ll be publishing those here from now on. Keep an eye out next week for a very special edition…
The Impsider will still be publishing articles over on about Dreams, including Weekly Roundups, coMmunity creator interviews, and all that smooth jazz.

So - if you’d still like to keep up with all the weird and wonderful things going on in Dreams, is the place. If you’re after more info about what’s happening at Media Molecule, then wiggle on over here. Yeah? Yeah.
Come back soon!