You're Invited to DreamsCom '20!

Hey, CoMmunity!
We’re always on the lookout for new ways to showcase the amazing talent found in the Dreamiverse - whether that’s through our streams, or awards shows where we create an entire ceremony IN Dreams. Today, we’re excited to announce the very first Dreams Community Showcase, or DreamsCom, for short!
DreamsCom will consist of two major events, the first of which will be a livestream event (come on, we couldn’t be the only ones not to!) where we’ll be showcasing amazing trailers & teases (oooh, the surprises in store!) from some of the best known creators in the Dreamiverse. You’ll be able to tune in to the livestream on June 30th at 5PM BST/9AM PST on our Twitch channel.
Following the livestream, we’ll be opening the Dreams Community Showcase show floor - completely #MadeInDreams! In the expo, in-game, you’ll be able to visit booths from the creators shown in the stream, check out demos for games and even display YOUR upcoming creations!
Yes! We’re inviting the Dreamiverse to take part in DreamsCom 2020, whether you want to showcase an upcoming creation, or tease an in-development project, you’ll be able to customise your own template booth (read on to find out how!) and display it at the show. This will be a great opportunity for Dreamers to showcase the kind of creator they are in the Dreamiverse. Whether you’re a mini-game maker, an in-Dreams studio or a solo RPG- maker, there is space on the expo show floor
If you do wish to exhibit at the show, we’ll be releasing a remixable booth template NOW for you to customise and submit. We’ve put together a guide to follow if you wish to do so, which you can find below.
The following criteria is strictly in place - if you’re booth doesn’t meet these rules, we won’t be able to include it on the show floor.
The content of your booth must be yours (you may love The Rake, but leave that to j_plusb!) It must also not violate our Community Guidelines or infringe on other peoples IP.
Maximum thermometer for each booth:
8% gameplay
10% graphics
5% audio
- The dimensions of the booth cannot be changed (by stretching sculpts, resizing it manually, or otherwise), and the booth must be kept static (i.e. does not move or rotate).
- Everything added to the booth template must be contained within the dimensions of the booth - i.e. no extruding sculpts, paintings, text displayers, etc. If paintings are used, they must not be duplicated using the Around Camera option as they will extend beyond your booth. This also includes objects animated using keyframes or action recorders.
- The booth should not contain any logic which alters gameplay (e.g. checkpoints, prize bubbles, global settings, rumblers, variables and variable modifiers), logic which might affect puppets (e.g. force appliers, health modifiers), or emitters and destroyers, as they will likely affect the performance of the scene in which the booth is displayed.
- The booth should not include any light gadgets, but sculpts or paintings in the booths can use glow as long as the light the objects emit does not extend beyond the dimensions of the booth.
- The booth should not include cameras or logic which affects the player camera, such as camera shakers, camera pointers, and wipers.
- You may paint the banner on the outer side of the booth and you can add text displayers to add the name of your showcase or extra information, but the text must appear as though it is on the banner, and must not be purposely positioned outside of the dimensions of your booth.
- If you would like to include audio in your booth, it must be 3D panned so that it doesn't interfere with audio that might be included in other booths. Tweak each sound/instrument to enable 3D panning, then change the Fade Zone inner radius to 1.0m, the outer radius multiplier to 65%, and extra reverb radius to 0%.
- If you would like to showcase a demo of your project in a separate scene, you can place a doorway in your booth. Please make sure to label it so it matches the name of the scene you want to show off, and we will add a button prompt which will take the player to your demo if they are inside your booth.
You can find the booth template in Dreams by searching ‘DreamsCom 20 Booth Template’
and selecting j_plusb’s creation, or by heading to this indreams page:

Your booth can display an upcoming creation, promote your very own Dreams identity (in-Dreams studios, we see you!) or even be a place to allow people to play a demo of your game!
We’ll be accepting booths for DreamsCom 20 until the end of day, June 24th 2020. Please tag your booth #DreamsCom20 in Dreams so that we can find it, and include it in the show.
We can’t wait to open the doors at the first ever DreamsCom next month, and we hope you enjoy the show!