Wendigo Wednesday #23
Hello Wendigo fans! It's our favourite time of the week where we get to round up our favourite Wendigos and share them for your delight! It's been a rather topsy-turvy and mashed up week this week - we've seen giant Baby Wendigos and a Tearaway Wendigo in Until Dawn! Goodness, whatever next? :) Let's jump right in shall we?
What is this madness!? Have I just stepped into the Freaky Friday movie? Nope it's an amazing papercraft switchup created by our #WendigoWednesday superstar Milt! We love your giant Baby Wendigo and teeny Wendigo, what an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing Milt!

@Renaultmilton on Twitter
Things got scary this week when @hallm3lbp created this Until Tearaway mashup! I wonder how much more scarier Until Dawn would have been with our papery Wendigos instead of theirs? Quick, someone chuck 'em a pearl!! Thanks for this tearifying (geddit?) mashup Mark!

@hallm3lbp on Twitter
This dark and moody Wendigo taken by xMeL97x caught my eye as I was browsing over tearaway.me recently. The use of the Zoom Lens here helps to keep the Wendigo in focus while blurring everything else out, and the Black & White filter finishes it off nicely! It's a rather lovely portrait of this Wendigo in fact, good job Mel!

xMeL97x on tearaway.me
Time for some gif goodness! Our buddy mr_krispy_kreme snapped this Wendigo having a rather frustrating moment here. "How do I get this Drumskin to work!" Poor Wendigo, we hope it gave up and went off in search of pearls after this :) Thanks for grabbing this great gif krispy!

It's behind you! Odilant managed to snap this fantastic Wendigif with their poor endangered Messenger! From the look on their face, I think iota knows what's behind him ;) Better run quick little papery friend!

Odilant on tearaway.me
This gif by t0xiCity8 totally made me chuckle, I don't think I've ever seen a Wendigo doing a belly dance before but then again there's a first for everything! What a brilliant moment captured, thank goodness for the gif camera, otherwise these belly wobbling moments would never be captured with such majesty!

t0xiCity8 on tearaway.me
I think that just about wraps it up for this week's edition of Wendigo Wednesday! Sorry for the slight delay on this week's edition, there was just so much WINdigo this week that we got consumed in their hairy and scary wonder.
We'll be back next week on Wednesday as usual, please share all your tearrifying Wendigos with us using the hashtag #WendigoWednesday and we'll pick our favourites! Until next week folks, stay hairy... and scary...