Wendigo Wednesday #2!
Hello folks and welcome back to your second beastly edition of Wendigo Wednesday! We've had another fantastic week of Wendigo snaps this week, along with our very first papercraft submission, so let's dive right in and check out the goodness!
@DJCHIMP sent us this amazing papercraft Wendigo, bursting forth from a colourful tissue paper background. Thank you so much for crafting this, you've got some serious papercrafting skills dude!

@DJCHIMP on Twitter
Look at this incredibly detailed and beautiful piece of Wendigo artwork by @Sandro8708! The level of detail in your drawings is amazing! Check out Sandro's twitter feed for lots more colourful delights, your eyes will be happy :)

@Sandro8708 on Twitter
Next up is this superb action shot from tearaway.me user Rey_DNA, quick everybody! DUCK!

Rey_DNA on tearaway.me
And finally, check out this slightly bonkers photo from oviahd on tearaway.me. Something tells me this Wendigo was moving preeetty sharpish when this photo was taken! I hope you got away in time ;)

oviahd on tearaway.me
And that's all for this week folks! Thank you to everyone who shared their creations and photos with us over the past week, we're constantly amazed and impressed with the level of creativity you guys put into your work, you all rock! <3
Don't forget to hit up tearaway.me for lots more inspiring shots from the community and we'll be back with more Wendigo wowsers this time next week!