This Week's Live Stream - Rebuilding the Space Mech Scene!
This week we're joined on the live stream sofa by Kareem and John who are going to be discussing their development process behind the space mech scene which we showed at PlayStation Experience last year!

John (aka 'King of the Mechs') is going to be rebuilding his famous mechanical machines during the stream and showing us exactly how many individual pieces it takes him to build these impressive characters. We'll also be taking a closer look at the 'Paint' tool to see how you can achieve different materials and finishes within Dreams. It's going to be awesome!
We'll be live at the usual time of 5pm (UK time) this Thursday 7th April so be sure to tune in if you can, we'd love to see you all on the stream! You can watch us live on Twitch, YouTube and PSN Events (details below!) We look forward to seeing you on the stream! :)

Join us live on PSN Events!