The Making of the Molecules Livestream
Happy Friday, CoMmunity!
Have you heard of the UK's fastest rising band, The Molecules? No? Well, they performed their first ever LIVE gig this month, right after PlayStation's E3 press briefing. Word has started to spread about this debut performance, so we thought you might all want to see how the band came together...or what we even mean by playing a show live in Dreams!
Yep, we're here to reveal that our next Dreams stream, The Making of The Molecules, gives you a front row seat to the performance and a big peek behind the curtains! The show takes place on Friday 29th June at 5PM BST.

If you missed out on the AMAZING E3 performance, you can now view it in its entirety below! Warning: Contains funky grooves, moves and tunes.
Dreams LIVE at E3 2018 | #DreamsPS4 Live Performance [4K]
We'll gather together The Molecules on the Mm sofa to take you through how they put on their live show, composed the music, created some awesome puppets and more.
Make sure to not miss out on our next stream by signing up for reminders on Twitch and Facebook Events! We'll see you on stream!
Want to know how our live performance came together, but missed our Livestream? That's okay! We've embedded the full video below for you!