Support the Amazing Work of SpecialEffect for "OneSpecialDay"
Here at Media Molecule we are big supporters of the charity SpecialEffect and all the incredible work they do. They touch the lives of so many people and allow those with physical disabilities to enjoy video games to the full.
If you're unfamiliar with SpecialEffect's work, here's a little bit about what they do:
SpecialEffect is a charity that puts fun and inclusion back into the lives of people with physical disabilities by helping them to play video games. By using technology ranging from modified joypads to eye-control, they’re finding a way for people to play to the very best of their abilities.
But they’re not just doing it for fun. By levelling the playing field, they’re bringing families and friends together and having a profoundly positive impact on therapy, confidence and quality of life.
At any one time the charity is helping hundreds of people on an individual and ongoing basis across the UK. They also have an increasing global influence via online support to individuals and through collaboration with an increasing number of hardware and software developers.

Today, SpecialEffect are organising "OneSpecialDay", a day where the industry comes together to donate funds raised from the sales of their games to help level the playing field for players with physical disabilities. It's an amazing cause and one that we are very proud to support and we're hoping our wonderful community will want to do the same!
If you can donate, whether it's small or large, every little amount really does help and your money would be going towards a very worthwhile cause indeed. Visit their JustGiving page here!

Take a look at this video below to see some of SpecialEffect's incredible work in action. Seeing the faces of all those children is just the most wonderful thing and it's all thanks to the tireless work that SpecialEffect do. You can also see more inspiring stories on their YouTube channel.
SpecialEffect - creating magic moments
All proceeds from "One Special Day" will go to help gamers like Lucy, who has muscular dystrophy which means she’s lying down most of the time and doesn’t have a great deal of movement, but she's still determined to join in with the fun.
The main issue is I can only use one hand and even then, I have limited mobility. Hope this isn't too much of a challenge for you!

Lucy at home.
SpecialEffect were able to visit Lucy and find ways to make use of the movement she had on her left hand by attaching a couple of swtiches to a mounting arm, along with working out a way she could use her thumb as well. Thanks to their work, Lucy is now able to enjoy video games ot the full and is gearing up to take on her brothers!
We hope you'll join us to help make games more accessible and inclusive for gamers of all physical abilities. There shouldn't be any barriers to enjoying video games and thanks to the awesome work that SpecialEffect are doing, they're one step closer to making that a reality.
Please help us spread the word!
You can tweet @OneSpecialDay16 and @SpecialEffect and find them on Facebook too!
And don't forget you can donate via their JustGiving page.