New Molecule: Lluís Danti
Say Hello to Lluís, the latest molecule to join the gang, starting here this week as a 3D Animator on our recently announced Vita project Tearaway.
- I play: Old school fighting videogames
- I love: Traveling and reading scifi literature
- I cry when: I see an old Neo Geo in a second hand shop
- I eat: Japanese food
- I drink: Gin & Tonic
- I watch: Anime movies, science documentaries and Stanley Kubrick films (again and again)
- Favourite cheese: Blue cheese
Lluís hails from Barcelona making him the first spanish Molecule to join the team, and has spent the last few years working in showbusiness, animating characters for movies and TV shows such as Transformers: Prime and Tron Uprsing. Check out some of his work on his blog, or by watching this handily embedded show reel video!
We’re looking for more Molecules! There aren’t many of us, so each missing Molecule is an extremely important part of the team that we need to find!
Why not browse our
full list of available positions, and see if any fit your skillset!