Media Molecule Podcast 22 - May the 4th
Not such a long time ago, in Kenny’s sound room which isn’t very far away,
STAR WARS PODCAST. If you haven’t spotted that thinly veiled reference there, today is International Star Wars day, and so this week’s podcast begins with some Jedi related chatter, before we drift off into the usual nonsensical madness.
Learn of Kenny’s mission to indoctrinate his wife into the ways of Star Wars, Spaff’s love of auto-machine translated edition of Star Wars: Backstroke of the West, why Alice can’t stop watching crazy prancing violin girl, and welcome podcast newcomer Tom Dallaway to the fray! Plus Steven is back to give us an LBP news update, anchoring the podcast back to sanity once more.
Oh yes, I think we are obliged to say the following important thing: May the Fourth be with you.
Yes we did just say that, you have permission to slap us. You can slap us by email if you like:
Note: iTunes will be up soon :) Please bear with us!
- Do Not Want
- Star Wars Uncut
- Otamatone
- Crazy Violin Girl (Kenny would like to point out that her bowing doesn’t match up from shot to shot)
- Plink
- Russell Crowe in Neighbours
- Cinco de Mayo
Media Molecule Podcast 22 - May the 4th
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