Introducing: Dreams Buddy!
Hey CoMmunity! We’ve got some exciting news for those of you who stream Dreams on Twitch, or simply watch Dreams streams! Today, we’ve launched our very own Twitch Extension for Dreams, the Dreams Buddy! The first version of the Dreams Buddy extension is available now for installation on your Twitch profile, as long as you’re a Twitch Partner or Affiliate. But what does Dreams Buddy do?
Well! Here’s a handy list of it’s current features!
- Display the creation currently being played on stream, and link to it’s indreams page so others can like, follow and learn more!
- Access directly.
- Show off your six favourite creations you’ve made when you’re not streaming!
Dreams Buddy’s first version is very much that - our first foray into supporting this space! In the same spirit of Early Access, we’re excited to hear feedback from those using the extension so we can iterate and evolve it in the future. We’ve also got quite a few ideas of our own, so we’ve got updates already in the works! Please do leave any feedback you have on or come have a chat on our social channels.