Goodbye 2016, it's been a blast!
As 2016 draws to a close and our hardworking Molecules take a well-earned break for the holidays, it’s the perfect opportunity to stop and take a moment to reflect back on what has been a mega year for us here at Media Molecule.
This year we’ve been both looking ahead to the future with our next game Dreams, but also reminiscing back to the beginnings of the Molecule as it was our 10th anniversary this year! Celebrating 10 years of games making is a really huge achievement for us all and we’re so proud of how far we’ve come since those early days. We’ve celebrated in lots of different ways over the year starting with a special anniversary lunch for the team at the beginning of the year, then onto releasing a 10th Anniversary Costume Pack for LBP3 and more recently celebrating with Molecules past and present at our LBParty Livestream (which you can watch below if you missed it the first time around)! It’s been so wonderful to celebrate such a special milestone with our friends, family and of course YOU: our amazing community who have all been so supportive over the years and without whom we definitely couldn’t have got this far. <3
MM Livestream - LBPartaaaaaay!
This year, in addition to a tremendous amount of hard work from everyone on Dreams we’ve also seen 6 new Molecules join the team, 5 Mini Molecules born, 1 new office dog (Binky!), 3 weddings, 2 desk moves and a staggering 38,400 cups of coffee consumed! We’ve also saved 27.8 trees this year from recycling all our paper and the front door has been opened 10,560 times. We dread to think how many Post-It notes our Production team have got through ;)
We’ve got plenty more highlights from the year to share, too many for just one blog post, in fact, so from today we are going to be starting our exciting ‘Mm Countdown to the New Year’! Each day, we’ll be sharing our favourite memories from 2016 along with a few exclusive new snippets here and there so be sure to stay tuned to our Twitter and Facebook pages for all the action! You can keep up using the hashtag #Mmemories. We can’t wait to begin the New Year with you all, when we’ll have more to share with you on Dreams and the much-anticipated beta trial :)

Happy Holidays from all the Molecules!