Fridge Cam: The first two weeks
Regular blog readers will have noticed we were recently tinkering in our fridge, installing a PS Eye disguised as a carton of Orange juice; as you do.
The setup, known as Fridge Cam, is part of our new Intranet, providing snaps of fridge pickers, for no particular reason, to our Intranet homepage. The PS Eye is hooked up to an old laptop sat on top of the fridge. Software running on the laptop is activated by movement - so every time someone opens the fridge door, it saves a photo every second for ten seconds to its hard drive. An Apache web server with a simple PHP scripts then serves out the photos and a JSON feed to our Intranet… It’s already snapped about 5000 photos.
Let’s take a look at some of the pics that have been snapped so far…
Some of Fridge Cam’s first visitors.
Spaff, Michelle and Tom welcome Fridge Cam.
Fridge Cam provides evidence of nocturnal fridge activity taking place at Mm, as Nathan hunts down late night snacks in the office fridge.
Alex grabs a sneaky beer, knowing full well he’s on camera.
Understandably, not everyone has welcomed the arrival of Fridge Cam.
We think this is Matt’s hungry face, but whatever it is, it’s slightly worrying.
That’s definitely Spaff’s hungry face.
We’re not quite sure if this photo is before or after Mark discovered the gin.
The Fridge Inspection team, Daisy and Tess keep the fridge stocked up and bountiful.
Dave’s face keeps appearing for some reason.
Omar deserves a special mention as he is such a frequent visitor to the Fridge, we could consider renaming it to “Omar Cam”. He even puts on impromptu dance routines…
Omar put on this little dance for Fridge Cam at some point last week…
Posing, again.
So there you go - a few intimate moments within the Fridge, caught by Fridge Cam. I expect they’ll be more posts like this over the coming months…. stay tuned fridge dwellers!