#FanArtFriday Special - LBParty Decorations!
You may recall that this month we held a super special LBParty live stream to celebrate 10 whole years of Media Molecule. Whilst we were planning everything out and checking things off our list (Molecules invited? CHECK! Nibbles and squash stocked up? CHECK! Cake ordered? TRIPLE CHECK!) we realised there was something missing… How on earth could we celebrate 10 years of Mm without getting you, our amazingly creative community, involved? We immediately started writing a blog - a call to decorate, if you will – and asked all of you to get crafting and send us party decorations for our party stream!
As suspected, you didn’t disappoint us! We decided to take this opportunity to showcase some of our absolute favourites from the decorations we received. Here they are, in no particular order:

Daniel's home made bunting on show at the LBParty!

It's fair to say that this was our favourite of all the delights that were sent to us. Daniel Rutter's cake and cheese Mm themed bunting was incredible! So incredible, in fact, that we still have it on show in our break out area! Well done, Daniel <3 and thank you so much! (We're itching to know how you made them all so perfectly identical too ;))

Daniel sent us this image as a teaser before we received the bunting, needless to say we were intrigued!
Next up we have Jamie Read's offerings! The detail that went into the whole package was truly something to behold. The box itself was screaming to be opened, which is exactly what we did with it...

Jamie's enticing decorations box.
The Sackboy Garland that was contained within that box blew our MINDS! Look at their expressions - they're perfect! Their zips are so delightfully jaunty! And they were accompanied by their own little LBP <3 We love them and we're going to put them on show in the Studio for all to see! Thank you, Jamie!

Last but not-in-any-way-shape-or-form last is this stunning work of art by Marie. This LittleBigPlanet scene has been fawned over by many Molecules since it arrived at the studio, and we still struggle not to swoon over it every time we look at it!

Marie's stupendous LBP Scene.
Outstanding, don’t you agree? We wish we could open packages like these all day, every day (but if that were the case we’d be too bowled over with love to be able to get much else done :P). Thank you, LittleBigPlanet and Mm community! Every single decoration we received became a treasure to us. You are the icing on our cake, the helium in our balloons, The Sackboy to our Mags the Mechanic ;)