Countdown to Tearaway Unfolded - it's out NOW!


Our Tearaway Unfolded countdown has come to an end! That's it folks, the game is out NOW! I think I might explode with confetti I'm so excited!

Today's final artwork is made by Rex Crowle! A beautiful end to an exciting and papery countdown don't you think? Thank you Rex for this wonderful render, how many characters and creatures can you spot peeking out of the world of Tearaway Unfolded?

We can't wait to see everyone's photos, gifs and papercrafts come through, and we're already seeing a ton of them stream in now so keep 'em coming! Our news feeds are filled up with colour and paper and it's just wonderful :)

There's not much longer to wait until the game comes out for everyone so hang in there folks! And there's still plenty of time to pre-order if you haven't already, to score yourself some sweet papery loot! Take a look at our previous post for all the details, and head on over to the PlayStation Store to grab your copy now!

Enjoy folks! <3


It's out now!!