We really need people to help us finish LittleBigPlanet 2!


Now we’re all settled in our new digs, we need to finish making a video game. In order to do so though, we are missing two vital Molecules, a Network Programmer and a Production Server Developer.

We really, really, really need you. Let’s not beat about the bush here: we’re pretty desperate.

If you are one of these awesome types of people, you should seriously consider joining us at Mm Towers, and becoming a Molecule, here’s just a small selection of the reasons why!

  • You’ll be an integral part of a small team with a family vibe.
  • Our new studio is really awesome and there’s a desk here with your name on it. Oh you don’t like that one? That’s fine we can move it somewhere else, it’s all good!
  • We have a tip top benefits package that is bound to make your life better in oh so many ways
  • We already love you to bits, and all want to be your friend
  • The freezer is full of ice creams, your favourite ones


Go on, join the Molecule!